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Text File  |  2003-01-22  |  45KB  |  1,934 lines

  2. ; Modifying this file:
  3. ; You should not modify this file except to make bugfixes or
  4. ; for other "maintenance".  If you want to make custom changes,
  5. ; you should create a new datadir subdirectory and copy this file
  6. ; into that directory, and then modify that copy.  Then use the
  7. ; command "rulesetdir <mysubdir>" in the server to have freeciv
  8. ; use your new customized file.
  10. ; Note that the freeciv AI may not cope well with anything more
  11. ; than minor changes.
  13. [datafile]
  14. description="Civ1 buildings data for Freeciv (approximate)"
  15. options="1.10.1"
  17. ; Below: The individual buildings, one per section.
  18. ; (Buildings = City Improvements and Wonders)
  19. ;
  20. ; The actual tag used (the * in [building_*]) does not matter, except 
  21. ; it must be unique within this file, and it may be used in debug 
  22. ; output when reading this file.
  23. ;
  24. ; /*** For details of this file's format, ***/
  25. ; /*** see the default buildings.ruleset. ***/
  27. [building_airport]
  28. name        = _("Airport")
  29. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  30. bldg_req    = "None"
  31. ;terr_gate    =
  32. ;spec_gate    =
  33. equiv_range    = "City"
  34. ;equiv_dupl    =
  35. ;equiv_repl    =
  36. obsolete_by    = "None"
  37. is_wonder    = 0
  38. build_cost    = 160
  39. upkeep        = 3
  40. sabotage    = 100
  41. effect        =
  42.     { "type", "range", "aff_unit"
  43.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Air"
  44.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Air"
  45.     "Airlift", "City"
  46.     }
  47. sound        = "b_airport"
  48. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  49. helptext    = _("\
  50. Allows a city to produce veteran air units.  Also, damaged air units\
  51.  which stay in town for one full turn without moving are completely\
  52.  restored.\
  53. \n\n\
  54. Two cities with Airports can airlift one unit per turn. \
  55.  Airlifting instantly transports the unit from one city to another\
  56.  and will use all of the unit's movement points.  A unit must have\
  57.  some movement points left to be airlifted.\
  58. ")
  60. [building_aqueduct]
  61. name        = _("Aqueduct")
  62. tech_req    = "Construction"
  63. bldg_req    = "None"
  64. ;terr_gate    =
  65. ;spec_gate    =
  66. equiv_range    = "City"
  67. ;equiv_dupl    =
  68. ;equiv_repl    =
  69. obsolete_by    = "None"
  70. is_wonder    = 0
  71. build_cost    = 120
  72. upkeep        = 2
  73. sabotage    = 100
  74. effect        =
  75.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  76.     "Size_Unlimit", "City", 10
  77.     }
  78. sound        = "b_aqueduct"
  79. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  80. ; FIXME: use this help text when gen-impr implemented...
  81. ; /* (ignore for gettext until fixed)
  82. ; helptext    = _("\
  83. ; Allows a city to grow larger than size 10.\
  84. ; ")
  85. ; */
  87. [building_bank]
  88. name        = _("Bank")
  89. tech_req    = "Banking"
  90. bldg_req    = "Marketplace"
  91. ;terr_gate    =
  92. ;spec_gate    =
  93. equiv_range    = "City"
  94. ;equiv_dupl    =
  95. ;equiv_repl    =
  96. obsolete_by    = "None"
  97. is_wonder    = 0
  98. build_cost    = 120
  99. upkeep        = 3
  100. sabotage    = 100
  101. effect        =
  102.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  103.     "Tax_Bonus", "City", 50, "Marketplace"
  104.     "Luxury_Bonus", "City", 50, "Marketplace"
  105.     }
  106. sound        = "b_bank"
  107. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  108. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  109. helptext    = _("\
  110. Together with the Marketplace improvement, a Bank increases the\
  111.  luxury and tax production within a city by 100%.\
  112. ")
  114. [building_barracks]
  115. name        = _("Barracks")
  116. tech_req    = "None"
  117. bldg_req    = "None"
  118. ;terr_gate    =
  119. ;spec_gate    =
  120. equiv_range    = "City"
  121. ;equiv_dupl    =
  122. equiv_repl    = "Sun Tzu's War Academy", "Barracks II", "Barracks III"
  123. obsolete_by    = "Gunpowder"
  124. is_wonder    = 0
  125. build_cost    = 40
  126. upkeep        = 0
  127. sabotage    = 100
  128. effect        =
  129.     { "type", "range", "aff_unit"
  130.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Air"
  131.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Air"
  132.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Helicopter"
  133.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Helicopter"
  134.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Land"
  135.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Land"
  136.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Missile"
  137.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Missile"
  138.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Sea"
  139.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Sea"
  140.     }
  141. variant        = 1        ; FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes
  142. sound        = "b_barracks_i"
  143. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  144. helptext    = _("\
  145. With a Barracks, each new unit built in a city will\
  146.  automatically have Veteran status, which means that its attack and\
  147.  defence strengths are increased by 50%.  Also, damaged units\
  148.  which stay in town for one full turn without moving are completely\
  149.  restored.\
  150. ")
  152. [building_barracks_ii]
  153. name        = _("Barracks II")
  154. tech_req    = "Gunpowder"
  155. bldg_req    = "None"
  156. ;terr_gate    =
  157. ;spec_gate    =
  158. equiv_range    = "City"
  159. ;equiv_dupl    =
  160. equiv_repl    = "Sun Tzu's War Academy", "Barracks III"
  161. obsolete_by    = "Combustion"
  162. is_wonder    = 0
  163. build_cost    = 40
  164. upkeep        = 1
  165. sabotage    = 100
  166. effect        =
  167.     { "type", "range", "aff_unit"
  168.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Air"
  169.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Air"
  170.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Helicopter"
  171.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Helicopter"
  172.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Land"
  173.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Land"
  174.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Missile"
  175.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Missile"
  176.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Sea"
  177.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Sea"
  178.     }
  179. sound        = "b_barracks_ii"
  180. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  181. helptext    = _("\
  182. With a Barracks, each new unit built in a city will\
  183.  automatically have Veteran status, which means that its attack and\
  184.  defence strengths are increased by 50%.  Also, damaged units\
  185.  which stay in town for one full turn without moving are completely\
  186.  restored.\
  187. ")
  189. [building_barracks_iii]
  190. name        = _("Barracks III")
  191. tech_req    = "Combustion"
  192. bldg_req    = "None"
  193. ;terr_gate    =
  194. ;spec_gate    =
  195. equiv_range    = "City"
  196. ;equiv_dupl    =
  197. equiv_repl    = "Sun Tzu's War Academy"
  198. obsolete_by    = "None"
  199. is_wonder    = 0
  200. build_cost    = 40
  201. upkeep        = 2
  202. sabotage    = 100
  203. effect        =
  204.     { "type", "range", "aff_unit"
  205.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Air"
  206.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Air"
  207.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Helicopter"
  208.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Helicopter"
  209.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Land"
  210.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Land"
  211.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Missile"
  212.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Missile"
  213.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Sea"
  214.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Sea"
  215.     }
  216. sound        = "b_barracks_iii"
  217. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  218. helptext    = _("\
  219. With a Barracks, each new unit built in a city will\
  220.  automatically have Veteran status, which means that its attack and\
  221.  defence strengths are increased by 50%.  Also, damaged units\
  222.  which stay in town for one full turn without moving are completely\
  223.  restored.\
  224. ")
  226. [building_cathedral]
  227. name        = _("Cathedral")
  228. tech_req    = "Religion"
  229. bldg_req    = "None"
  230. ;terr_gate    =
  231. ;spec_gate    =
  232. equiv_range    = "City"
  233. ;equiv_dupl    =
  234. equiv_repl    = "Michelangelo's Chapel"
  235. obsolete_by    = "None"
  236. is_wonder    = 0
  237. build_cost    = 160
  238. upkeep        = 3
  239. sabotage    = 100
  240. effect        =
  241.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  242.     "Make_Content", "City", 4
  243.     }
  244. sound        = "b_cathedral"
  245. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  246. helptext    = _("\
  247. A Cathedral makes 4 unhappy citizens content in a city, making it\
  248.  easier to maintain order in that city.\
  249. ")
  251. [building_city_walls]
  252. name        = _("City Walls")
  253. tech_req    = "Masonry"
  254. bldg_req    = "None"
  255. ;terr_gate    =
  256. ;spec_gate    =
  257. equiv_range    = "City"
  258. equiv_dupl    = "Great Wall"
  259. ;equiv_repl    =
  260. obsolete_by    = "None"
  261. is_wonder    = 0
  262. build_cost    = 120
  263. upkeep        = 2
  264. sabotage    = 100
  265. effect        =
  266.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_unit"
  267.     "Unit_Defend", "City", 300, "Helicopter"
  268.     "Unit_Defend", "City", 300, "Land"
  269.     "Unit_Defend", "City", 300, "Sea"
  270.     "Unit_No_Lose_Pop", "City", 0, "Land"
  271.     }
  272. variant        = 1        ; FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes
  273. sound        = "b_city_walls"
  274. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  275. helptext    = _("\
  276. City Walls make it easier to defend a city.  They triple the defence\
  277.  strength of units within the city against ground, sea, and helicopter\
  278.  units.  They are ineffective against non-helicopter airborne units as well\
  279.  as Artillery.  City Walls also prevent the loss of population which\
  280.  occurs when a defending unit is destroyed by a land unit.\
  281. ")
  283. [building_coastal_defense]
  284. name        = _("Coastal Defense")
  285. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  286. bldg_req    = "None"
  287. terr_gate    = "Ocean"
  288. ;spec_gate    =
  289. equiv_range    = "City"
  290. ;equiv_dupl    =
  291. ;equiv_repl    =
  292. obsolete_by    = "None"
  293. is_wonder    = 0
  294. build_cost    = 80
  295. upkeep        = 1
  296. sabotage    = 100
  297. effect        =
  298.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_unit"
  299.     "Unit_Defend", "City", 200, "Sea"
  300.     }
  301. sound        = "b_coastal_defense"
  302. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  303. helptext    = _("\
  304. Increases the defence strength of units within a city by a factor\
  305.  of 2 when defending against bombardments from enemy ships.\
  306. ")
  308. [building_colosseum]
  309. name        = _("Colosseum")
  310. tech_req    = "Construction"
  311. bldg_req    = "None"
  312. ;terr_gate    =
  313. ;spec_gate    =
  314. equiv_range    = "City"
  315. ;equiv_dupl    =
  316. ;equiv_repl    =
  317. obsolete_by    = "None"
  318. is_wonder    = 0
  319. build_cost    = 100
  320. upkeep        = 4
  321. sabotage    = 100
  322. effect        =
  323.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  324.     "Make_Content", "City", 3
  325.     }
  326. sound        = "b_colosseum"
  327. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  328. helptext    = _("\
  329. Entertains the citizens of a city, making 3 unhappy citizens content.\
  330. ")
  332. [building_courthouse]
  333. name        = _("Courthouse")
  334. tech_req    = "Code of Laws"
  335. bldg_req    = "None"
  336. ;terr_gate    =
  337. ;spec_gate    =
  338. equiv_range    = "City"
  339. ;equiv_dupl    =
  340. ;equiv_repl    =
  341. obsolete_by    = "None"
  342. is_wonder    = 0
  343. build_cost    = 80
  344. upkeep        = 1
  345. sabotage    = 100
  346. effect        =
  347.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_gov"
  348.     "Reduce_Corrupt", "City", 50
  349.     "Make_Content", "City", 1, "Democracy"
  350.     "Revolt_Dist", "City", 50
  351.     }
  352. sound        = "b_courthouse"
  353. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  354. helptext    = _("\
  355. Reduces the corruption in a city by 50%.  Under a Democracy, a\
  356.  Courthouse makes 1 unhappy citizen content. \
  357.  Also halves the effective distance to the capital, for the purpose\
  358.  of calculating revolt cost.\
  359. ")
  361. [building_factory]
  362. name        = _("Factory")
  363. tech_req    = "Industrialization"
  364. bldg_req    = "None"
  365. ;terr_gate    =
  366. ;spec_gate    =
  367. equiv_range    = "City"
  368. ;equiv_dupl    =
  369. ;equiv_repl    =
  370. obsolete_by    = "None"
  371. is_wonder    = 0
  372. build_cost    = 200
  373. upkeep        = 4
  374. sabotage    = 100
  375. effect        =
  376.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  377.     "Prod_Bonus", "City", 50
  378.     }
  379. sound        = "b_factory"
  380. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  381. helptext    = _("\
  382. Increases the shield production in a city by 50%.  This increase may\
  383.  also contribute significantly to pollution.\
  384. ")
  386. [building_granary]
  387. name        = _("Granary")
  388. tech_req    = "Pottery"
  389. bldg_req    = "None"
  390. ;terr_gate    =
  391. ;spec_gate    =
  392. equiv_range    = "City"
  393. ;equiv_dupl    =
  394. equiv_repl    = "Pyramids"
  395. obsolete_by    = "None"
  396. is_wonder    = 0
  397. build_cost    = 60
  398. upkeep        = 1
  399. sabotage    = 100
  400. effect        =
  401.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  402.     "Growth_Food", "City", 50
  403.     }
  404. sound        = "b_granary"
  405. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  406. helptext    = _("\
  407. The amount of stored food will be set to half full whenever a city\
  408.  with a Granary shrinks or grows. This helps a city to grow faster\
  409.  and more easily withstand famine.\
  410. ")
  411. ; NOTE:
  412. ; In Civ1, city size reduction does not generate food like this.
  413. ; Dare I ask where this food comes from?? :-)
  415. [building_harbour]
  416. name        = _("Harbour")
  417. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  418. bldg_req    = "None"
  419. terr_gate    = "Ocean"
  420. ;spec_gate    =
  421. equiv_range    = "City"
  422. ;equiv_dupl    =
  423. ;equiv_repl    =
  424. obsolete_by    = "None"
  425. is_wonder    = 0
  426. build_cost    = 60
  427. upkeep        = 1
  428. sabotage    = 100
  429. effect        =
  430.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_terr", "aff_spec"
  431.     "Food_Add_Tile", "City", 1, "Ocean", "None"
  432.     }
  433. sound        = "b_harbour"
  434. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  435. helptext    = _("\
  436. Gives one extra food resource on all Ocean squares.  The city needs\
  437.  to be coastal to build this improvement.\
  438. ")
  440. [building_hydro_plant]
  441. name        = _("Hydro Plant")
  442. tech_req    = "Electronics"
  443. bldg_req    = "None"
  444. terr_gate    = "Mountains", "River"
  445. ;spec_gate    =
  446. equiv_range    = "City"
  447. ;equiv_dupl    =
  448. equiv_repl    = "Hoover Dam", "Power Plant", "Nuclear Plant"
  449. obsolete_by    = "None"
  450. is_wonder    = 0
  451. build_cost    = 240
  452. upkeep        = 4
  453. sabotage    = 100
  454. effect        =
  455.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  456.     "Prod_Bonus", "City", 50, "Factory"
  457.     "Pollu_Adj_Prod", "City", 50
  458.     "Pollu_Adj_Prod", "City", -50, "Recycling Center"
  459.     }
  460. sound        = "b_hydro_plant"
  461. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  462. helptext    = _("\
  463. Reduces the amount of pollution generated by production in a city\
  464.  by 50%.  It also\
  465.  increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in the\
  466.  city: a Factory and a Hydro Plant together give a 100% production\
  467.  bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Hydro Plant together give\
  468.  a 150% production bonus.\
  469. \n\n\
  470. A city can only have one Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or\
  471.  Nuclear Plant.  A city can only build a Hydro Plant if it is next\
  472.  to (or on) a Mountain or River tile.\
  473. ")
  475. [building_library]
  476. name        = _("Library")
  477. tech_req    = "Writing"
  478. bldg_req    = "None"
  479. ;terr_gate    =
  480. ;spec_gate    =
  481. equiv_range    = "City"
  482. ;equiv_dupl    =
  483. ;equiv_repl    =
  484. obsolete_by    = "None"
  485. is_wonder    = 0
  486. build_cost    = 80
  487. upkeep        = 1
  488. sabotage    = 100
  489. effect        =
  490.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  491.     "Science_Bonus", "City", 50
  492.     }
  493. sound        = "b_library"
  494. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  495. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  496. helptext    = _("\
  497. Increases the science output in a city by 50%.\
  498. ")
  500. [building_marketplace]
  501. name        = _("Marketplace")
  502. tech_req    = "Currency"
  503. bldg_req    = "None"
  504. ;terr_gate    =
  505. ;spec_gate    =
  506. equiv_range    = "City"
  507. ;equiv_dupl    =
  508. ;equiv_repl    =
  509. obsolete_by    = "None"
  510. is_wonder    = 0
  511. build_cost    = 80
  512. upkeep        = 1
  513. sabotage    = 100
  514. effect        =
  515.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  516.     "Tax_Bonus", "City", 50
  517.     "Luxury_Bonus", "City", 50
  518.     }
  519. sound        = "b_marketplace"
  520. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  521. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  522. helptext    = _("\
  523. Increases the luxury and tax output in a city by 50%.\
  524. ")
  526. [building_mass_transit]
  527. name        = _("Mass Transit")
  528. tech_req    = "Mass Production"
  529. bldg_req    = "None"
  530. ;terr_gate    =
  531. ;spec_gate    =
  532. equiv_range    = "City"
  533. ;equiv_dupl    =
  534. ;equiv_repl    =
  535. obsolete_by    = "None"
  536. is_wonder    = 0
  537. build_cost    = 160
  538. upkeep        = 4
  539. sabotage    = 100
  540. effect        =
  541.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  542.     "Pollu_Set_Pop", "City", 0
  543.     }
  544. sound        = "b_mass_transit"
  545. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  546. helptext    = _("\
  547. Neutralizes the pollution generated by the population. \
  548.  The population simply has no effect on the pollution generated in\
  549.  the city.\
  550. ")
  552. [building_mfg_plant]
  553. name        = _("Mfg. Plant")
  554. tech_req    = "Robotics"
  555. bldg_req    = "Factory"
  556. ;terr_gate    =
  557. ;spec_gate    =
  558. equiv_range    = "City"
  559. ;equiv_dupl    =
  560. ;equiv_repl    =
  561. obsolete_by    = "None"
  562. is_wonder    = 0
  563. build_cost    = 320
  564. upkeep        = 6
  565. sabotage    = 100
  566. effect        =
  567.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  568.     "Prod_Bonus", "City", 50, "Factory"
  569.     }
  570. sound        = "b_mfg_plant"
  571. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  572. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  573. helptext    = _("\
  574. Together with a Factory, a Manufacturing Plant increases the shield\
  575.  production in a city by 100%.\
  576. ")
  578. [building_nuclear_plant]
  579. name        = _("Nuclear Plant")
  580. tech_req    = "Nuclear Power"
  581. bldg_req    = "None"
  582. ;terr_gate    =
  583. ;spec_gate    =
  584. equiv_range    = "City"
  585. ;equiv_dupl    =
  586. equiv_repl    = "Hoover Dam", "Power Plant", "Hydro Plant"
  587. obsolete_by    = "None"
  588. is_wonder    = 0
  589. build_cost    = 160
  590. upkeep        = 2
  591. sabotage    = 100
  592. effect        =
  593.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  594.     "Prod_Bonus", "City", 50, "Factory"
  595.     "Pollu_Adj_Prod", "City", 50
  596.     "Pollu_Adj_Prod", "City", -50, "Recycling Center"
  597.     }
  598. sound        = "b_nuclear_plant"
  599. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  600. helptext    = _("\
  601. Reduces the amount of pollution generated by production in a city\
  602.  by 50%.  It also\
  603.  increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in\
  604.  the city: a Factory and a Nuclear Plant together give a 100%\
  605.  production bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Nuclear Plant\
  606.  together give a 150% production bonus.\
  607. \n\n\
  608. A city can only have one Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or\
  609.  Nuclear Plant.\
  610. ")
  611. ; NOTE:
  612. ; For Civ1/2 there should be a change of meltdown during
  613. ; civil disorder, but that has not been implemented yet.
  615. [building_offshore_platform]
  616. name        = _("Offshore Platform")
  617. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  618. bldg_req    = "None"
  619. terr_gate    = "Ocean"
  620. ;spec_gate    =
  621. equiv_range    = "City"
  622. ;equiv_dupl    =
  623. ;equiv_repl    =
  624. obsolete_by    = "None"
  625. is_wonder    = 0
  626. build_cost    = 160
  627. upkeep        = 3
  628. sabotage    = 100
  629. effect        =
  630.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_terr", "aff_spec"
  631.     "Prod_Add_Tile", "City", 1, "Ocean", "None"
  632.     }
  633. sound        = "b_offshore_platform"
  634. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  635. helptext    = _("\
  636. Adds 1 extra shield resource on all Ocean squares in a city.  The\
  637.  city needs to be coastal to build this improvement.\
  638. ")
  640. [building_palace]
  641. name        = _("Palace")
  642. tech_req    = "Masonry"
  643. bldg_req    = "None"
  644. ;terr_gate    =
  645. ;spec_gate    =
  646. equiv_range    = "Player"
  647. ;equiv_dupl    =
  648. ;equiv_repl    =
  649. obsolete_by    = "None"
  650. is_wonder    = 0
  651. build_cost    = 200
  652. upkeep        = 0
  653. sabotage    = 0
  654. effect        =
  655.     { "type", "range"
  656.     "Capital_City", "City"
  657.     "Capital_Exists", "Player"
  658.     }
  659. sound        = "b_palace"
  660. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  661. helptext    = _("\
  662. Makes a city the capital and the center of your government. \
  663.  Corruption in other cities is related to how far away from the\
  664.  capital they are, except when the government is Democracy or\
  665.  Communism.  The cost of inciting a revolt in a city also depends\
  666.  upon the city's distance from the capital (under all forms of\
  667.  government).\
  668. \n\n\
  669. Take good care of your capital, as its loss may result in your\
  670.  empire plunging into civil war. Losing your current palace also\
  671.  results in losing whatever spaceship you might have.\
  672. ")
  674. [building_police_station]
  675. name        = _("Police Station")
  676. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  677. bldg_req    = "None"
  678. ;terr_gate    =
  679. ;spec_gate    =
  680. equiv_range    = "City"
  681. ;equiv_dupl    =
  682. ;equiv_repl    =
  683. obsolete_by    = "None"
  684. is_wonder    = 0
  685. build_cost    = 60
  686. upkeep        = 2
  687. sabotage    = 100
  688. effect        =
  689.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_gov"
  690.     "Make_Content_Mil", "City", 1, "Republic"
  691.     "Make_Content_Mil", "City", 2, "Democracy"
  692.     }
  693. sound        = "b_police_station"
  694. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  695. helptext    = _("\
  696. Reduces the unhappiness caused by military units outside the city\
  697.  by 2 under Democracy and 1 under Republic.  This improvement has no\
  698.  effect under other governments.\
  699. ")
  701. [building_port_facility]
  702. name        = _("Port Facility")
  703. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  704. bldg_req    = "None"
  705. terr_gate    = "Ocean"
  706. ;spec_gate    =
  707. equiv_range    = "City"
  708. ;equiv_dupl    =
  709. ;equiv_repl    =
  710. obsolete_by    = "None"
  711. is_wonder    = 0
  712. build_cost    = 80
  713. upkeep        = 3
  714. sabotage    = 100
  715. effect        =
  716.     { "type", "range", "aff_unit"
  717.     "Unit_Veteran", "City", "Sea"
  718.     "Unit_Repair", "City", "Sea"
  719.     }
  720. sound        = "b_port_facility"
  721. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  722. helptext    = _("\
  723. Allows a city to build veteran sea units.  Also, damaged sea units\
  724.  which stay in town for one full turn without moving are completely\
  725.  restored.\
  726. ")
  728. [building_power_plant]
  729. name        = _("Power Plant")
  730. tech_req    = "Refining"
  731. bldg_req    = "None"
  732. ;terr_gate    =
  733. ;spec_gate    =
  734. equiv_range    = "City"
  735. ;equiv_dupl    =
  736. equiv_repl    = "Hoover Dam", "Nuclear Plant", "Hydro Plant"
  737. obsolete_by    = "None"
  738. is_wonder    = 0
  739. build_cost    = 160
  740. upkeep        = 4
  741. sabotage    = 100
  742. effect        =
  743.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  744.     "Prod_Bonus", "City", 50, "Factory"
  745.     }
  746. sound        = "b_power_plant"
  747. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  748. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  749. helptext    = _("\
  750. Increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in a\
  751.  city: a Factory and a Power Plant together give a 100% production\
  752.  bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Power Plant together give\
  753.  a 150% production bonus.  The extra production may lead to the city\
  754.  generating more pollution.\
  755. \n\n\
  756. A city can only have one Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or\
  757.  Nuclear Plant.\
  758. ")
  760. [building_recycling_center]
  761. name        = _("Recycling Center")
  762. tech_req    = "Recycling"
  763. bldg_req    = "None"
  764. ;terr_gate    =
  765. ;spec_gate    =
  766. equiv_range    = "City"
  767. ;equiv_dupl    =
  768. ;equiv_repl    =
  769. obsolete_by    = "None"
  770. is_wonder    = 0
  771. build_cost    = 200
  772. upkeep        = 2
  773. sabotage    = 100
  774. effect        =
  775.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  776.     "Pollu_Adj_Prod", "City", 34
  777.     }
  778. sound        = "b_recycling_center"
  779. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  780. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  781. helptext    = _("\
  782. Building a recycling center reduces the amount of pollution\
  783.  generated by production in a city by 66%.\
  784. ")
  786. [building_research_lab]
  787. name        = _("Research Lab")
  788. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  789. bldg_req    = "Library"
  790. ;terr_gate    =
  791. ;spec_gate    =
  792. equiv_range    = "City"
  793. ;equiv_dupl    =
  794. equiv_repl    = "SETI Program"
  795. obsolete_by    = "None"
  796. is_wonder    = 0
  797. build_cost    = 160
  798. upkeep        = 3
  799. sabotage    = 100
  800. effect        =
  801.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  802.     "Science_Bonus", "City", 50, "Library"
  803.     }
  804. sound        = "b_research_lab"
  805. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  806. helptext    = _("\
  807. Together with a Library , a Research Lab increases the science\
  808.  production of a city by 100%. \
  809. Together with a Library and a University, a Research Lab increases\
  810.  the science production of a city by 150%.\
  811. ")
  813. [building_sam_battery]
  814. name        = _("SAM Battery")
  815. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  816. bldg_req    = "None"
  817. ;terr_gate    =
  818. ;spec_gate    =
  819. equiv_range    = "City"
  820. ;equiv_dupl    =
  821. ;equiv_repl    =
  822. obsolete_by    = "None"
  823. is_wonder    = 0
  824. build_cost    = 100
  825. upkeep        = 2
  826. sabotage    = 100
  827. effect        =
  828.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_unit"
  829.     "Unit_Defend", "City", 200, "Air"
  830.     "Unit_Defend", "City", 200, "Missile"
  831.     }
  832. sound        = "b_sam_battery"
  833. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  834. helptext    = _("\
  835. Doubles the defense of all units inside the city when attacked by\
  836.  non-nuclear air units.\
  837. ")
  839. [building_sdi_defense]
  840. name        = _("SDI Defense")
  841. tech_req    = "Superconductors"
  842. bldg_req    = "None"
  843. ;terr_gate    =
  844. ;spec_gate    =
  845. equiv_range    = "City"
  846. ;equiv_dupl    =
  847. ;equiv_repl    =
  848. obsolete_by    = "None"
  849. is_wonder    = 0
  850. build_cost    = 200
  851. upkeep        = 4
  852. sabotage    = 100
  853. effect        =
  854.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_unit"
  855.     "Nuke_Proof", "City", 3
  856.     "Unit_Defend", "City", 200, "Missile"
  857.     }
  858. sound        = "b_sdi_defense"
  859. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  860. helptext    = _("\
  861. Protects a city from attacks from Nuclear units.  Nuclear attacks\
  862.  simply have no effect on the city.  Also, doubles defence against\
  863.  non-nuclear missiles.\
  864. ")
  865. ; NOTE:
  866. ; Civ1 does not document the "Unit_Defend"/"Missile" aspect; does it apply or not?
  868. [building_sewer_system]
  869. name        = _("Sewer System")
  870. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  871. bldg_req    = "Aqueduct"
  872. ;terr_gate    =
  873. ;spec_gate    =
  874. equiv_range    = "City"
  875. ;equiv_dupl    =
  876. ;equiv_repl    =
  877. obsolete_by    = "None"
  878. is_wonder    = 0
  879. build_cost    = 120
  880. upkeep        = 2
  881. sabotage    = 100
  882. effect        =
  883.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  884.     "Size_Unlimit", "City", 12, "Aqueduct"
  885.     }
  886. sound        = "b_sewer_system"
  887. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  888. helptext    = _("\
  889. Allows a city to grow larger than size 12.  An Aqueduct is first\
  890.  required for a city to grow larger than size 8.\
  891. ")
  893. [building_solar_plant]
  894. name        = _("Solar Plant")
  895. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  896. bldg_req    = "None"
  897. ;terr_gate    =
  898. ;spec_gate    =
  899. equiv_range    = "City"
  900. equiv_dupl    = "Power Plant", "Hydro Plant", "Nuclear Plant"
  901. equiv_repl    = "Hoover Dam"
  902. obsolete_by    = "None"
  903. is_wonder    = 0
  904. build_cost    = 320
  905. upkeep        = 4
  906. sabotage    = 100
  907. effect        =
  908.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  909.     "Prod_Bonus", "City", 50, "Factory"
  910.     "Pollu_Set_Prod", "City", 0
  911.     "Slow_Global_Warm", "World", 10
  912.     }
  913. sound        = "b_solar_plant"
  914. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  915. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  916. helptext    = _("\
  917. Eliminates all pollution generated by production in a city. \
  918.  It also\
  919.  increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in the\
  920.  city: a Factory and a Solar Plant together give a 100% production\
  921.  bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Solar Plant together give\
  922.  a 150% production bonus.\
  923. \n\n\
  924. A city can only have one Solar Plant, Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or\
  925.  Nuclear Plant.\
  926. ")
  927. ; NOTE:
  928. ; Not implemented.
  930. [building_space_component]
  931. name        = _("Space Component")
  932. tech_req    = "Plastics"
  933. bldg_req    = "None"
  934. ;terr_gate    =
  935. ;spec_gate    =
  936. equiv_range    = "None"
  937. ;equiv_dupl    =
  938. ;equiv_repl    =
  939. obsolete_by    = "None"
  940. is_wonder    = 0
  941. build_cost    = 160
  942. upkeep        = 0
  943. sabotage    = 100
  944. effect        =
  945.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  946.     "Space_Part", "None", 2
  947.     }
  948. sound        = "b_space_component"
  949. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  950. helptext    = _("\
  951. Space Components can be differentiated into Propulsion and Fuel\
  952.  Components.  Each pair of them reduces your spaceship's travel\
  953.  time.  You can build up to 8 pairs.\
  954. \n\n\
  955. Before you can build any spaceship parts, the Apollo Program wonder\
  956.  must have been built by any player.\
  957. ")
  959. [building_space_module]
  960. name        = _("Space Module")
  961. tech_req    = "Robotics"
  962. bldg_req    = "None"
  963. ;terr_gate    =
  964. ;spec_gate    =
  965. equiv_range    = "None"
  966. ;equiv_dupl    =
  967. ;equiv_repl    =
  968. obsolete_by    = "None"
  969. is_wonder    = 0
  970. build_cost    = 320
  971. upkeep        = 0
  972. sabotage    = 100
  973. effect        =
  974.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  975.     "Space_Part", "None", 3
  976.     }
  977. sound        = "b_space_module"
  978. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  979. helptext    = _("\
  980. Space Modules are the most expensive parts of spaceships.  There\
  981.  are three different types of Space Module:\
  982. \n\n\
  983. - Habitation Module: provides living space for 10,000 people.\
  984. \n\n\
  985. - Life Support Module: provides food and water for the population of\
  986.   one Habitation Module.\
  987. \n\n\
  988. - Solar Panels: provides the energy needed for any two of the other\
  989.   Modules.\
  990. \n\n\
  991. You can build up to 4 Space Modules of each kind.\
  992. \n\n\
  993. Before you can build any spaceship parts, the Apollo Program wonder\
  994.  must have been built by any player.\
  995. ")
  997. [building_space_structural]
  998. name        = _("Space Structural")
  999. tech_req    = "Space Flight"
  1000. bldg_req    = "None"
  1001. ;terr_gate    =
  1002. ;spec_gate    =
  1003. equiv_range    = "None"
  1004. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1005. ;equiv_repl    =
  1006. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1007. is_wonder    = 0
  1008. build_cost    = 80
  1009. upkeep        = 0
  1010. sabotage    = 100
  1011. effect        =
  1012.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1013.     "Space_Part", "None", 1
  1014.     }
  1015. sound        = "b_space_structural"
  1016. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  1017. helptext    = _("\
  1018. Space Structurals form the base of your spaceship.  All other\
  1019.  spaceship parts need to be connected to Structurals in order to\
  1020.  function.  You can build up to 32 Space Structurals.\
  1021. \n\n\
  1022. Before you can build any spaceship parts, the Apollo Program wonder\
  1023.  must have been built by any player.\
  1024. ")
  1026. [building_stock_exchange]
  1027. name        = _("Stock Exchange")
  1028. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1029. bldg_req    = "Bank"
  1030. ;terr_gate    =
  1031. ;spec_gate    =
  1032. equiv_range    = "City"
  1033. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1034. ;equiv_repl    =
  1035. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1036. is_wonder    = 0
  1037. build_cost    = 160
  1038. upkeep        = 4
  1039. sabotage    = 100
  1040. effect        =
  1041.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  1042.     "Tax_Bonus", "City", 50, "Bank"
  1043.     "Luxury_Bonus", "City", 50, "Bank"
  1044.     }
  1045. sound        = "b_stock_exchange"
  1046. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  1047. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  1048. helptext    = _("\
  1049. Together with a Marketplace and a Bank, a Stock Exchange boosts\
  1050.  tax and luxury production in a city by 150%.\
  1051. ")
  1053. [building_super_highways]
  1054. name        = _("Super Highways")
  1055. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1056. bldg_req    = "None"
  1057. ;terr_gate    =
  1058. ;spec_gate    =
  1059. equiv_range    = "City"
  1060. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1061. ;equiv_repl    =
  1062. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1063. is_wonder    = 0
  1064. build_cost    = 160
  1065. upkeep        = 3
  1066. sabotage    = 100
  1067. effect        =
  1068.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_terr", "aff_spec"
  1069.     "Trade_Per_Tile", "City", 50, "None", "Road"
  1070.     "Trade_Route_Pct", "City", 10
  1071.     }
  1072. sound        = "b_super_highways"
  1073. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  1074. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  1075. helptext    = _("\
  1076. Increases trade resources by 50% on all squares with roads or\
  1077.  railroads.\
  1078. ")
  1080. [building_supermarket]
  1081. name        = _("Supermarket")
  1082. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1083. bldg_req    = "None"
  1084. ;terr_gate    =
  1085. ;spec_gate    =
  1086. equiv_range    = "City"
  1087. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1088. ;equiv_repl    =
  1089. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1090. is_wonder    = 0
  1091. build_cost    = 120
  1092. upkeep        = 3
  1093. sabotage    = 100
  1094. effect        =
  1095.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_terr", "aff_spec"
  1096.     "Food_Per_Tile", "City", 50, "None", "Farmland"
  1097.     }
  1098. sound        = "b_supermarket"
  1099. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  1100. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  1101. helptext    = _("\
  1102. Increases the food resources by 50% on each farmland square which\
  1103.  is being used around the city.  Farmland squares are those which\
  1104.  have been irrigated a second time.\
  1105. ")
  1107. [building_temple]
  1108. name        = _("Temple")
  1109. tech_req    = "Ceremonial Burial"
  1110. bldg_req    = "None"
  1111. ;terr_gate    =
  1112. ;spec_gate    =
  1113. equiv_range    = "City"
  1114. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1115. ;equiv_repl    =
  1116. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1117. is_wonder    = 0
  1118. build_cost    = 40
  1119. upkeep        = 1
  1120. sabotage    = 100
  1121. effect        =
  1122.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_adv"
  1123.     "Make_Content", "City", 1
  1124.     "Make_Content", "City", 1, "Mysticism"
  1125.     }
  1126. sound        = "b_temple"
  1127. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  1128. helptext    = _("\
  1129. Makes one unhappy citizen content.  Both the Mysticism advance\
  1130.  and the Oracle wonder double this effect.  With both Mysticism\
  1131.  and the Oracle, 4 citizens are made content.\
  1132. ")
  1134. [building_university]
  1135. name        = _("University")
  1136. tech_req    = "University"
  1137. bldg_req    = "Library"
  1138. ;terr_gate    =
  1139. ;spec_gate    =
  1140. equiv_range    = "City"
  1141. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1142. ;equiv_repl    =
  1143. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1144. is_wonder    = 0
  1145. build_cost    = 160
  1146. upkeep        = 3
  1147. sabotage    = 100
  1148. effect        =
  1149.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  1150.     "Science_Bonus", "City", 50, "Library"
  1151.     }
  1152. sound        = "b_university"
  1153. sound_alt    = "b_generic"
  1154. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  1155. helptext    = _("\
  1156. Together with a Library, a University increases the science\
  1157.  production of a city by 100%.\
  1158. ")
  1160. [building_apollo_program]
  1161. name        = _("Apollo Program")
  1162. tech_req    = "Space Flight"
  1163. bldg_req    = "None"
  1164. ;terr_gate    =
  1165. ;spec_gate    =
  1166. equiv_range    = "None"
  1167. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1168. ;equiv_repl    =
  1169. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1170. is_wonder    = 1
  1171. build_cost    = 600
  1172. upkeep        = 0
  1173. sabotage    = 0
  1174. effect        =
  1175.     { "type", "range", "survives"
  1176.     "Reveal_Cities", "None", 0
  1177.     "Enable_Space", "World", 1
  1178.     }
  1179. helptext    = _("\
  1180. All cities on the map become visible for the player who owns it. \
  1181.  It allows all players to start building spaceship parts (assuming\
  1182.  they have researched the necessary technologies).\
  1183. ")
  1185. [building_asmiths_trading_co]
  1186. name        = _("A.Smith's Trading Co.")
  1187. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1188. bldg_req    = "None"
  1189. ;terr_gate    =
  1190. ;spec_gate    =
  1191. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1192. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1193. ;equiv_repl    =
  1194. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1195. is_wonder    = 1
  1196. build_cost    = 400
  1197. upkeep        = 0
  1198. sabotage    = 0
  1199. effect        =
  1200.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1201.     "Upkeep_Free", "Player", 1
  1202.     }
  1203. sound        = "w_asmiths_trading_co"
  1204. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1205. helptext    = _("\
  1206. City improvements which would normally have an upkeep of 1 are free\
  1207.  of upkeep, for all cities.\
  1208. ")
  1210. [building_colossus]
  1211. name        = _("Colossus")
  1212. tech_req    = "Bronze Working"
  1213. bldg_req    = "None"
  1214. ;terr_gate    =
  1215. ;spec_gate    =
  1216. equiv_range    = "City"
  1217. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1218. ;equiv_repl    =
  1219. obsolete_by    = "Flight"
  1220. is_wonder    = 1
  1221. build_cost    = 200
  1222. upkeep        = 0
  1223. sabotage    = 0
  1224. effect        =
  1225.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1226.     "Trade_Inc_Tile", "City", 1
  1227.     }
  1228. sound        = "w_colossus"
  1229. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1230. helptext    = _("\
  1231. Each square around the city where this wonder is built that is already\
  1232.  generating some trade produces one extra trade resource.\
  1233. ")
  1235. [building_copernicus_observatory]
  1236. name        = _("Copernicus' Observatory")
  1237. tech_req    = "Astronomy"
  1238. bldg_req    = "None"
  1239. ;terr_gate    =
  1240. ;spec_gate    =
  1241. equiv_range    = "City"
  1242. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1243. ;equiv_repl    =
  1244. obsolete_by    = "Automobile"
  1245. is_wonder    = 1
  1246. build_cost    = 300
  1247. upkeep        = 0
  1248. sabotage    = 0
  1249. effect        =
  1250.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1251.     "Science_Bonus", "City", 50
  1252.     }
  1253. sound        = "w_copernicus_observatory"
  1254. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1255. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  1256. helptext    = _("\
  1257. Boosts science production by 50% in the city where it is built.\
  1258. ")
  1260. [building_cure_for_cancer]
  1261. name        = _("Cure For Cancer")
  1262. tech_req    = "Genetic Engineering"
  1263. bldg_req    = "None"
  1264. ;terr_gate    =
  1265. ;spec_gate    =
  1266. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1267. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1268. ;equiv_repl    =
  1269. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1270. is_wonder    = 1
  1271. build_cost    = 600
  1272. upkeep        = 0
  1273. sabotage    = 0
  1274. effect        =
  1275.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1276.     "Make_Happy", "Player", 1
  1277.     }
  1278. sound        = "w_cure_for_cancer"
  1279. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1280. helptext    = _("\
  1281. This stunning technological achievement makes one unhappy\
  1282.  citizen content in all cities.\
  1283. ")
  1285. [building_darwins_voyage]
  1286. name        = _("Darwin's Voyage")
  1287. tech_req    = "Railroad"
  1288. bldg_req    = "None"
  1289. ;terr_gate    =
  1290. ;spec_gate    =
  1291. equiv_range    = "None"
  1292. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1293. ;equiv_repl    =
  1294. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1295. is_wonder    = 1
  1296. build_cost    = 300
  1297. upkeep        = 0
  1298. sabotage    = 0
  1299. effect        =
  1300.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1301.     "Give_Imm_Adv", "None", 2
  1302.     }
  1303. sound        = "w_darwins_voyage"
  1304. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1305. helptext    = _("\
  1306. Charles Darwin's voyage sparked the discovery of the evolution\
  1307.  of the species, which inspired greater confidence in science.\
  1308.  Gives two immediate technology advances.\
  1309. ")
  1311. [building_eiffel_tower]
  1312. name        = _("Eiffel Tower")
  1313. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1314. bldg_req    = "None"
  1315. ;terr_gate    =
  1316. ;spec_gate    =
  1317. equiv_range    = "None"
  1318. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1319. ;equiv_repl    =
  1320. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1321. is_wonder    = 1
  1322. build_cost    = 300
  1323. upkeep        = 0
  1324. sabotage    = 0
  1325. effect        =
  1326.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1327.     "Improve_Rep", "None", 25
  1328.     }
  1329. sound        = "w_eiffel_tower"
  1330. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1331. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  1332. helptext    = _("\
  1333. When built, every civilization's attitude toward you is improved\
  1334.  by 25%.\
  1335. ")
  1336. ; NOTE:
  1337. ; Not implemented.
  1339. [building_great_library]
  1340. name        = _("Great Library")
  1341. tech_req    = "Literacy"
  1342. bldg_req    = "None"
  1343. ;terr_gate    =
  1344. ;spec_gate    =
  1345. equiv_range    = "None"
  1346. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1347. ;equiv_repl    =
  1348. obsolete_by    = "University"
  1349. is_wonder    = 1
  1350. build_cost    = 300
  1351. upkeep        = 0
  1352. sabotage    = 0
  1353. effect        =
  1354.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1355.     "Adv_Parasite", "None", 2
  1356.     }
  1357. sound        = "w_great_library"
  1358. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1359. helptext    = _("\
  1360. The civilization which builds the Great Library gets every advance\
  1361.  that at least two other civilizations have achieved.\
  1362. ")
  1364. [building_great_wall]
  1365. name        = _("Great Wall")
  1366. tech_req    = "Masonry"
  1367. bldg_req    = "None"
  1368. ;terr_gate    =
  1369. ;spec_gate    =
  1370. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1371. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1372. ;equiv_repl    =
  1373. obsolete_by    = "Gunpowder"
  1374. is_wonder    = 1
  1375. build_cost    = 300
  1376. upkeep        = 0
  1377. sabotage    = 0
  1378. effect        =
  1379.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_unit"
  1380.     "Unit_Defend", "Player", 300, "Land"
  1381.     "Unit_No_Lose_Pop", "Player", 0, "Land"
  1382.     "Barb_Attack", "Player", 200
  1383.     }
  1384. sound        = "w_great_wall"
  1385. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1386. helptext    = _("\
  1387. Works as a City Wall in all cities.\
  1388. ")
  1389. ; NOTE:
  1390. ; In Civ1 enemies are forced to offer cease-fire or peace.
  1392. [building_hanging_gardens]
  1393. name        = _("Hanging Gardens")
  1394. tech_req    = "Pottery"
  1395. bldg_req    = "None"
  1396. ;terr_gate    =
  1397. ;spec_gate    =
  1398. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1399. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1400. ;equiv_repl    =
  1401. obsolete_by    = "Invention"
  1402. is_wonder    = 1
  1403. build_cost    = 300
  1404. upkeep        = 0
  1405. sabotage    = 0
  1406. effect        =
  1407.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1408.     "Make_Happy", "Player", 1
  1409.     "Make_Happy", "City", 2
  1410.     }
  1411. sound        = "w_hanging_gardens"
  1412. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1413. helptext    = _("\
  1414. Makes one content citizen happy in every city. Makes two extra\
  1415.  content citizens happy in the city containing the Hanging Gardens\
  1416.  (that is, a total of 3).  In the unlikely event where there are no\
  1417.  content citizens to get the effect of Hanging Gardens, the wonder\
  1418.  applies to unhappy citizens (making them content instead).\
  1419. ")
  1421. [building_hoover_dam]
  1422. name        = _("Hoover Dam")
  1423. tech_req    = "Electronics"
  1424. bldg_req    = "None"
  1425. terr_gate    = "Mountains", "River"
  1426. ;spec_gate    =
  1427. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1428. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1429. ;equiv_repl    =
  1430. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1431. is_wonder    = 1
  1432. build_cost    = 600
  1433. upkeep        = 0
  1434. sabotage    = 0
  1435. effect        =
  1436.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  1437.     "Prod_Bonus", "Island", 50, "Factory"
  1438.     "Pollu_Adj_Prod", "Island", 50
  1439.     "Pollu_Adj_Prod", "Island", -50, "Recycling Center"
  1440.     }
  1441. variant        = 1        ; FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes
  1442. sound        = "w_hoover_dam"
  1443. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1444. helptext    = _("\
  1445. Works as if you had a Hydro Plant in every city\
  1446.  on the same continent where the wonder is built. \
  1447.  (This reduces pollution and increases the effects of\
  1448.  Factories and Mfg. Plants.)\
  1449. ")
  1451. [building_isaac_newtons_college]
  1452. name        = _("Isaac Newton's College")
  1453. tech_req    = "Theory of Gravity"
  1454. bldg_req    = "None"
  1455. ;terr_gate    =
  1456. ;spec_gate    =
  1457. equiv_range    = "City"
  1458. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1459. ;equiv_repl    =
  1460. obsolete_by    = "Nuclear Fission"
  1461. is_wonder    = 1
  1462. build_cost    = 400
  1463. upkeep        = 0
  1464. sabotage    = 0
  1465. effect        =
  1466.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1467.     "Science_Bonus", "City", 100
  1468.     }
  1469. sound        = "w_isaac_newtons_college"
  1470. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1471. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  1472. helptext    = _("\
  1473. Boosts science production by 100% in the city where it is built.\
  1474. ")
  1476. [building_js_bachs_cathedral]
  1477. name        = _("J.S. Bach's Cathedral")
  1478. tech_req    = "Religion"
  1479. bldg_req    = "None"
  1480. ;terr_gate    =
  1481. ;spec_gate    =
  1482. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1483. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1484. ;equiv_repl    =
  1485. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1486. is_wonder    = 1
  1487. build_cost    = 400
  1488. upkeep        = 0
  1489. sabotage    = 0
  1490. effect        =
  1491.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1492.     "Make_Content", "Island", 2
  1493.     }
  1494. variant        = 1        ; FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes
  1495. sound        = "w_js_bachs_cathedral"
  1496. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1497. helptext    = _("\
  1498. Makes two unhappy citizens content in every city of yours\
  1499.  on the same continent where the wonder is built.\
  1500. ")
  1502. [building_king_richards_crusade]
  1503. name        = _("King Richard's Crusade")
  1504. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1505. bldg_req    = "None"
  1506. ;terr_gate    =
  1507. ;spec_gate    =
  1508. equiv_range    = "City"
  1509. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1510. ;equiv_repl    =
  1511. obsolete_by    = "Industrialization"
  1512. is_wonder    = 1
  1513. build_cost    = 300
  1514. upkeep        = 0
  1515. sabotage    = 0
  1516. effect        =
  1517.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1518.     "Prod_Add_Tile", "City", 1
  1519.     }
  1520. sound        = "w_king_richards_crusade"
  1521. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1522. helptext    = _("\
  1523. Adds one extra shield resource on every square around the city\
  1524.  where it is built.\
  1525. ")
  1527. [building_leonardos_workshop]
  1528. name        = _("Leonardo's Workshop")
  1529. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1530. bldg_req    = "None"
  1531. ;terr_gate    =
  1532. ;spec_gate    =
  1533. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1534. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1535. ;equiv_repl    =
  1536. obsolete_by    = "Automobile"
  1537. is_wonder    = 1
  1538. build_cost    = 400
  1539. upkeep        = 0
  1540. sabotage    = 0
  1541. effect        =
  1542.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1543.     "Upgrade_One_Leap", "Player", 100
  1544.     }
  1545. sound        = "w_leonardos_workshop"
  1546. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1547. helptext    = _("\
  1548. Upgrades one obsolete unit per game turn.\
  1549. ")
  1551. [building_lighthouse]
  1552. name        = _("Lighthouse")
  1553. tech_req    = "Map Making"
  1554. bldg_req    = "None"
  1555. ;terr_gate    =
  1556. ;spec_gate    =
  1557. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1558. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1559. ;equiv_repl    =
  1560. obsolete_by    = "Magnetism"
  1561. is_wonder    = 1
  1562. build_cost    = 200
  1563. upkeep        = 0
  1564. sabotage    = 0
  1565. effect        =
  1566.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_unit"
  1567.     "Unit_Move", "Player", 1, "Sea"
  1568.     "No_Sink_Deep", "Player"
  1569.     "Unit_Veteran", "Player", 0, "Sea"
  1570.     }
  1571. sound        = "w_lighthouse"
  1572. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1573. helptext    = _("\
  1574. Gives all sea units 1 additional movement point and eliminates the\
  1575.  risk of losing Triremes on the high seas.  Makes all new sea units\
  1576.  veterans (for all cities).\
  1577. ")
  1578. ; NOTE:
  1579. ; Civ1 docs do not mention "No_Sink_Deep" and "Unit_Veteran"/"Sea" effecets.
  1581. [building_magellans_expedition]
  1582. name        = _("Magellan's Expedition")
  1583. tech_req    = "Navigation"
  1584. bldg_req    = "None"
  1585. ;terr_gate    =
  1586. ;spec_gate    =
  1587. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1588. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1589. ;equiv_repl    =
  1590. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1591. is_wonder    = 1
  1592. build_cost    = 400
  1593. upkeep        = 0
  1594. sabotage    = 0
  1595. effect        =
  1596.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_unit"
  1597.     "Unit_Move", "Player", 1, "Sea"
  1598.     }
  1599. variant        = 1        ; FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes
  1600. sound        = "w_magellans_expedition"
  1601. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1602. helptext    = _("\
  1603. Gives all sea units 1 additional movement point.\
  1604. ")
  1606. [building_manhattan_project]
  1607. name        = _("Manhattan Project")
  1608. tech_req    = "Nuclear Fission"
  1609. bldg_req    = "None"
  1610. ;terr_gate    =
  1611. ;spec_gate    =
  1612. equiv_range    = "None"
  1613. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1614. ;equiv_repl    =
  1615. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1616. is_wonder    = 1
  1617. build_cost    = 600
  1618. upkeep        = 0
  1619. sabotage    = 0
  1620. effect        =
  1621.     { "type", "range", "survives"
  1622.     "Enable_Nuke", "World", 1
  1623.     }
  1624. sound        = "w_manhattan_project"
  1625. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1626. ;helptext is set in client/helpdata.c:helptext_wonder()
  1627. ;helptext    =
  1629. [building_marco_polos_embassy]
  1630. name        = _("Marco Polo's Embassy")
  1631. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1632. bldg_req    = "None"
  1633. ;terr_gate    =
  1634. ;spec_gate    =
  1635. equiv_range    = "None"
  1636. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1637. ;equiv_repl    =
  1638. obsolete_by    = "Communism"
  1639. is_wonder    = 1
  1640. build_cost    = 200
  1641. upkeep        = 0
  1642. sabotage    = 0
  1643. effect        =
  1644.     { "type", "range"
  1645.     "Have_Embassies", "None"
  1646.     }
  1647. sound        = "w_marco_polos_embassy"
  1648. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1649. helptext    = _("\
  1650. The player who owns it gets an embassy with all players.\
  1651. ")
  1653. [building_michelangelos_chapel]
  1654. name        = _("Michelangelo's Chapel")
  1655. tech_req    = "Religion"
  1656. bldg_req    = "None"
  1657. ;terr_gate    =
  1658. ;spec_gate    =
  1659. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1660. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1661. ;equiv_repl    =
  1662. obsolete_by    = "Communism"
  1663. is_wonder    = 1
  1664. build_cost    = 400
  1665. upkeep        = 0
  1666. sabotage    = 0
  1667. effect        =
  1668.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  1669.     "Make_Content", "Player", 4, "Cathedral"
  1670.     }
  1671. variant        = 1        ; FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes
  1672. sound        = "w_michelangelos_chapel"
  1673. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1674. helptext    = _("\
  1675. Double effects of Cathedrals, in all cities.\
  1676. ")
  1678. [building_oracle]
  1679. name        = _("Oracle")
  1680. tech_req    = "Mysticism"
  1681. bldg_req    = "None"
  1682. ;terr_gate    =
  1683. ;spec_gate    =
  1684. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1685. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1686. ;equiv_repl    =
  1687. obsolete_by    = "Religion"
  1688. is_wonder    = 1
  1689. build_cost    = 300
  1690. upkeep        = 0
  1691. sabotage    = 0
  1692. effect        =
  1693.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg", "cond_adv"
  1694.     "Make_Content", "Player", 1, "Temple"
  1695.     "Make_Content", "Player", 1, "Temple", "Mysticism"
  1696.     }
  1697. sound        = "w_oracle"
  1698. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1699. helptext    = _("\
  1700. Doubles the effect of Temples, in all cities.\
  1701. ")
  1703. [building_pyramids]
  1704. name        = _("Pyramids")
  1705. tech_req    = "Masonry"
  1706. bldg_req    = "None"
  1707. ;terr_gate    =
  1708. ;spec_gate    =
  1709. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1710. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1711. ;equiv_repl    =
  1712. obsolete_by    = "Communism"
  1713. is_wonder    = 1
  1714. build_cost    = 300
  1715. upkeep        = 0
  1716. sabotage    = 0
  1717. effect        =
  1718.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1719.     "Any_Government", "None"
  1720.     "No_Anarchy", "None"
  1721.     }
  1722. variant        = 1        ; FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes
  1723. sound        = "w_pyramids"
  1724. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1725. helptext    = _("\
  1726. Allows you to choose any government, including those that have not yet\
  1727.  been researched by your civilization, and without the transition\
  1728.  period of Anarchy.\
  1729. ")
  1731. [building_seti_program]
  1732. name        = _("SETI Program")
  1733. tech_req    = "Computers"
  1734. bldg_req    = "None"
  1735. ;terr_gate    =
  1736. ;spec_gate    =
  1737. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1738. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1739. ;equiv_repl    =
  1740. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1741. is_wonder    = 1
  1742. build_cost    = 600
  1743. upkeep        = 0
  1744. sabotage    = 0
  1745. effect        =
  1746.     { "type", "range", "amount", "cond_bldg"
  1747.     "Science_Bonus", "Player", 50, "Library"
  1748.     }
  1749. sound        = "w_seti_program"
  1750. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1751. ; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
  1752. helptext    = _("\
  1753. Boosts science production in each city by 50%.\
  1754. ")
  1756. [building_shakespeares_theatre]
  1757. name        = _("Shakespeare's Theatre")
  1758. tech_req    = "Medicine"
  1759. bldg_req    = "None"
  1760. ;terr_gate    =
  1761. ;spec_gate    =
  1762. equiv_range    = "City"
  1763. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1764. ;equiv_repl    =
  1765. obsolete_by    = "Electronics"
  1766. is_wonder    = 1
  1767. build_cost    = 400
  1768. upkeep        = 0
  1769. sabotage    = 0
  1770. effect        =
  1771.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1772.     "Make_Content", "City", 99
  1773.     }
  1774. sound        = "w_shakespeares_theatre"
  1775. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1776. helptext    = _("\
  1777. Makes all unhappy citizens content, in the city where it is located.\
  1778. ")
  1780. [building_statue_of_liberty]
  1781. name        = _("Statue of Liberty")
  1782. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1783. bldg_req    = "None"
  1784. ;terr_gate    =
  1785. ;spec_gate    =
  1786. equiv_range    = "None"
  1787. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1788. ;equiv_repl    =
  1789. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1790. is_wonder    = 1
  1791. build_cost    = 400
  1792. upkeep        = 0
  1793. sabotage    = 0
  1794. effect        =
  1795.     { "type", "range"
  1796.     "Any_Government", "None"
  1797.     "No_Anarchy", "None"
  1798.     }
  1799. sound        = "w_statue_of_liberty"
  1800. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1801. helptext    = _("\
  1802. Allows you to choose any government, including those that have not yet\
  1803.  been researched by your civilization, and without the transition\
  1804.  period of Anarchy.\
  1805. ")
  1807. [building_sun_tzus_war_academy]
  1808. name        = _("Sun Tzu's War Academy")
  1809. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1810. bldg_req    = "None"
  1811. ;terr_gate    =
  1812. ;spec_gate    =
  1813. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1814. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1815. ;equiv_repl    =
  1816. obsolete_by    = "Mobile Warfare"
  1817. is_wonder    = 1
  1818. build_cost    = 300
  1819. upkeep        = 0
  1820. sabotage    = 0
  1821. effect        =
  1822.     { "type", "range", "amount", "aff_unit"
  1823.     "Unit_Veteran", "Player", 0, "Land"
  1824.     "Unit_Vet_Combat", "Player", 100, "Land"
  1825.     }
  1826. sound        = "w_sun_tzus_war_academy"
  1827. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1828. helptext    = _("\
  1829. All your new ground units become veterans (for all cities). \
  1830.  The chance of a unit becoming a veteran after a battle increases\
  1831.  from 50% to 100%.\
  1832. ")
  1834. [building_united_nations]
  1835. name        = _("United Nations")
  1836. tech_req    = "Communism"
  1837. bldg_req    = "None"
  1838. ;terr_gate    =
  1839. ;spec_gate    =
  1840. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1841. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1842. ;equiv_repl    =
  1843. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1844. is_wonder    = 1
  1845. build_cost    = 600
  1846. upkeep        = 0
  1847. sabotage    = 0
  1848. effect        =
  1849.     { "type", "range"
  1850.     "Any_Government", "None"
  1851.     "No_Anarchy", "None"
  1852.     }
  1853. variant        = 1        ; FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes
  1854. sound        = "w_united_nations"
  1855. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1856. helptext    = _("\
  1857. Allows you to choose any government, including those that have not yet\
  1858.  been researched by your civilization, and without the transition\
  1859.  period of Anarchy.\
  1860. ")
  1861. ; NOTE: 
  1862. ; This does not match Civ1 or Civ2, but diplomatic effects are 
  1863. ; not very effective in multiplayer, and hitpoints effects do not
  1864. ; apply for Civ1.  Note in Civ1 Pyramids have a gov-change effect,
  1865. ; but become obsolete, and the Statue of Liberty does not exist.
  1867. [building_womens_suffrage]
  1868. name        = _("Women's Suffrage")
  1869. tech_req    = "Industrialization"
  1870. bldg_req    = "None"
  1871. ;terr_gate    =
  1872. ;spec_gate    =
  1873. equiv_range    = "Player"
  1874. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1875. ;equiv_repl    =
  1876. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1877. is_wonder    = 1
  1878. build_cost    = 600
  1879. upkeep        = 0
  1880. sabotage    = 0
  1881. effect        =
  1882.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1883.     "Make_Content_Mil", "Player", 1
  1884.     }
  1885. variant        = 1        ; FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes
  1886. sound        = "w_womens_suffrage"
  1887. sound_alt    = "w_generic"
  1888. helptext    = _("\
  1889. In all cities, the unhappiness effect of every unit is reduced by 1.\
  1890.  This means that in a Republic, units do not cause unhappiness, and in\
  1891.  a Democracy, aggressive units cause only 1 unhappy citizen each.\
  1892. ")
  1894. [building_capitalization]
  1895. name        = _("Capitalization")
  1896. tech_req    = "Never"    ; remove when may have indefinite count of improvements
  1897. bldg_req    = "None"
  1898. ;terr_gate    =
  1899. ;spec_gate    =
  1900. equiv_range    = "City"
  1901. ;equiv_dupl    =
  1902. ;equiv_repl    =
  1903. obsolete_by    = "None"
  1904. is_wonder    = 0
  1905. build_cost    = 999
  1906. upkeep        = 0
  1907. sabotage    = 0
  1908. effect        =
  1909.     { "type", "range", "amount"
  1910.     "Prod_To_Gold", "City", 100
  1911.     }
  1912. helptext    = _("\
  1913. This is not a normal improvement.  Instead, setting a city's\
  1914.  production to Capitalization means its shield production is\
  1915.  converted to tax output (money).\
  1916. ")
  1919. ; FIXME: remove all of the following when gen-impr implemented...
  1921. [b_special]
  1923. ; Special values:
  1925. aqueduct_size=10;
  1926. sewer_size=99;
  1928. ; Techs which modify building effects:
  1930. cathedral_plus="Never"
  1931. cathedral_minus="Never"
  1932. colosseum_plus="Never"
  1933. temple_plus="Mysticism"